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Seattle Uber Users Were Riding Around Town Mad Max-Style

Seattle Uber Users Were Riding Around Town Mad Max-Style

by Hashtag Daily TrendsSeptember 2, 2015

While watching Mad Max: Fury Road, did you find yourself wondering what it would be like to be stuck on the hood of a car with an IV in your arm draining you of blood as you rode into a violent sandstorm? Well, a new promotion from Uber will get you about as close to that experience as you can realistically expect. Seattle residents using the Uber app to get around town this past weekend had a new option when summoning a ride: “Mad Max.”

Starting last Friday, Uber Seattle offered a special feature where users could request a car modeled after those featured in Mad Max. They had a fleet of customized cars to help keep riders “safe from marauders.” The only rule was the trips had to begin and end in downtown Seattle because “the Wasteland is vast and gas is precious–the Warboys must remain near their Stronghold.”

Also, the rides were all free because “your dollars are worthless in the Wasteland.” We’re guessing these cars probably don’t offer the free water bottles you get in normal Ubers, since that’s such a scarce resource in the Mad Max universe.

This wasn’t just a random decision on Uber’s part. The Mad Max cars are to help promote the Mad Max video game that came out yesterday. The game looks like the rare adaptation from a movie that doesn’t look like a quick cash grab, which isn’t surprising since last May’s Mad Max: Fury Road was one of the most original sequels (or reboot?) that didn’t just slap a franchise name on it and wait for the money to pour in.

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